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Sunday, November 21, 2010


In this section, we're goin to give you some clues for why choose task based in education:

1)      This kind of work is funny to the children, waking in the children a bigger interest to learn.

2)      Work in groups is encouraged with task based learning, as well as the values derivate of this kind of work. Children learn to collaborate with their partners and to divide the tasks in order to everybody works the same.

3)      Children develop a critical attitude and they give their opinions in the work group. They learn to respect the opinions of the partners and to listen when the classmates are speaking.

4)      Children will have to look for information on their own, although the teacher will guide them when they need it, this way children learn in a different way, they ask themselves about the contents and design their researches and working process.

5)      When a young learner has the opportunity to develop a self-research he realize about the satisfaction that this produces and makes him want to know more and more.

6)      Task based learning check the knowledge and the experiences of the children and resides this kind of work causes that children learn new things and acquire new experiences.

7)      They will discover new ways of learning with the experience of task based learning.

8)      Creativity is promoted and imagination and originality are developed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I agree with you, I think that TBL is very important currently because children need to be motivated. But I algo believe that parents should get involved in lessons' students in order to motivate them too.
    What do you think?
